Epiduo and TruthAboutZits.com Review

Epiduo® Gel is that wonderful form of new medicine, that relies on a cheaply available product (Benzoyl Peroxide) combined with another cheaply available product (a slightly modified retanoid), with a study that proves the product is slightly more effective than Benzoyl Peroxide alone. With this, and some paperwork, the product becomes a prescription medication which insurance companies will pay for. Now they can charge you a $35 copay and an insurance company god knows how much for a drug that is no longer available in generic format.

As for side effects, well.. “The most common adverse events associated with use of Epiduo® Gel are redness, scaling, dryness, stinging and burning. In addition, you may also experience contact dermatitis and/or skin irritation. ”

As with any other Benzoyl Peroxide based acne treatment, don’t expect it to work all that well. It’ll clear your skin up to an extent (with all sorts of collateral damage such as red, dried out skin). It won’t clear you up forever, though. And how long can you put bleach on your face?

Please… treat the symptoms of acne, as outlined on this site, and forget about these harsh medicines that are all marketing and no research. And that is the real Truth About Zits.

Do you have experiences with this product? Tell us about them below.

2 Replies to “Epiduo and TruthAboutZits.com Review”

  1. It won’t clear you up forever, though. And how long can you put bleach on your face?
    What do you mean by this? Please answer as soon as possible..

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